Aug 7, 2016 - By Brian Petrocelli

On Pokémon GO Cheating

Recently we issued a statement that streaming content on our services which violates third-party terms of service or other user agreements is a violation of our own Terms of Service. This also includes cheating in online multiplayer games as defined and enforced by the game developer. Today we would like to make clear that this policy also holds true for Pokémon GO content on Twitch.

Per Niantic’s Pokémon GO Trainer guidelines cheating is considered:

“…using modified or unofficial software; playing with multiple accounts (one account per player, please); sharing accounts; using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location; or selling/trading accounts”

Thus the above behavior is prohibited on Twitch by both our Rules of Conduct and Terms of Service. As of August 8th, anyone sharing content that features or promotes cheating in Pokémon GO will receive a strike on their account. We ask that broadcasters take appropriate steps to ensure that their content is not at risk.

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