Aug 18, 2017 - By Stephanie Guzzardo

VOD to VIP Week 9 Winners!

Three weeks remain in our VOD to VIP contest and we’ve enjoyed seeing all of the great videos you’ve submitted to us! We’re beginning our review of the Week 10 entries, but we want to share our top picks from Week 9 with you today.

First, our runners up, who will receive some great Twitch swag, are:



And now our Grand Prize winner who will get two tickets to TwitchCon and an invite to a special VIP mixer is mahnkiman with their music video: “Emotes for Nothing”

If you missed out on sending in your submissions, Week 11 is now live! Make sure to upload your VODs today and submit them here for your chance to win!

This contest will run weekly through September 6th, so there’s still time to create and submit your VODs for a chance to win tickets to TwitchCon!

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